mens sana in corpore sano

services dedicated to professionals working in the field of health, care and psychophysical well-being:

wellness centres, beauty centres, nail art, hairdressers, meditation centres, sports centres, gyms, swimming pools, private medical offices, psychologists, dentists, nutritionists, osteopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists...


The balance given by a beautiful collaboration between different and at the same time equal entities

Every day, in every instant of our lives, a job is done for us, a very important job that allows us to think, speak, perform many actions and have social relationships.

For us, as for any other living being, all this is possible thanks to the capabilities of our body.

Our entire body, from head to toe, is a collection of many different types of cells that are organized into groups, our organs.

Organs have very specific tasks to perform and the cells that form them interact with other cells with the aim of keeping us healthy and alive.



healthy mind in healthy body

Taking care of our entire body is important because this is the means of transport of our mind. At the same time, taking care of our mind is important because it is the one that allows us to choose the actions and relationships we have.


With proper nutrition, healthy physical activity, and periodic checks with specialists and professionals, we can say that we have contributed to taking care of our own psycho-physical well-being.


Furthermore, with this attitude we contribute to being good examples for our children and for those around us and, very importantly, we also help to keep different working realities alive.


All together we can do the collective good just like the cells of our body do for us.



Reality in synergy

We propose a service that aims at a collaboration between professionals in the nutrition/food sector, psychological counseling, prevention and body care, fitness and aesthetics, aimed at improving the services offered, contributing to well-being and increasing work flows.


For the care of your customers:

- possibility for customers to access your services and those of other professionals who join the initiative with discounts or invitations to participate in themed events;

- **group/partners card**;

- book of discounts, loyalty cards;

- themed items to give or sell.


For the care of your environments and work routines we propose:

- constant presence of your image/logo in all planned activities;

- in addition to the services described in LC4U;

- wall furniture and objects of reference inside the premises;

- communications and advertising for new services/activities and events;

- customized illustrative exercise cards;

- product information sheets;

- customer files for data collection;

- price lists;

- creation of customer and supplier archive database.



LaStiva delle Idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

since 1991 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

info&contacts --- news&links
