explore LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas through the MENU that you find at the top left and through the ICONS that you find distributed in the pages ... follow the bulbs!

LaStiva delle idee

TheHOLD of ideas - Welcome to the Archive and Showcase of Luciana Calcagni


page where you can choose the navigation language

Map and Symbols

this icon links you to this page



...follow the bulbs and find Luciana Calcagni


Luciana Calcagni 4U: ideas - products - services - projects


services for your business

Clicca e Sfoglia

Click and Browse - hypermedia layouts useful for presenting, promoting and selling


SHARE the message - inform, promote, invite, gift and ... with your smartphone

Collegati alla scuola

Connected to the School - recreational/educational activities to be carried out in the school premises


the virtual for the real

Luciana at Work

activities and work in progress

lucky bulbs SHOP

general information about the store

lucky bulbs SHOP

go directly to the shop

Luce in Galleria

Light in the Gallery - Virtual Art Gallery
Photographic archive


historical photographic archive

Sì! - Yes!

useful information for people, animals and the environment


back up



LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

info&contacts --- news&links
