Luciana Calcagni 4U: ideas, products , services, and projects

communication, promotion, sales - useful information


your logo - your signature - your image

the logo reflects your style and your business and it is important that people recognize your logo wherever it appears.


your communications, your promotions, your sales

simplicity and clarity are the keys to good communication aimed at informing, inviting, promoting and selling.






through various sources, also provided by the customer, I perform:
- research and collection of data and / or information,
- analysis and selection,
- organization, archiving, presentation and publication.


graphics and communication

from paper to virtual design, I layout and communicate for you:
- logo design or restyling,
- corporate / virtual image,
- presentations through websites, catalogs, other ...,
- promotions,
The communications are designed and made to be disseminated through traditional means of transmission and through electronic devices with hypermedia products designed by me.


promotion, sale

from paper to virtual I create communications and promotions for your company and / or business, through:
- hypermedia products,
- useful articles for the daily life of people, animals and the environment,
- gadgets,
- board games and / or electronic devices,
- unique handmade items.


"3xe" hypermedia PRODUCTS

graphics embrace programming thus adding functions that allow you to do actions such as expand information, promote, sell, buy, give, invite and more, through the use of your electronic device.
With the hypermedia files "Click and browse" and "PASSAmessaggio" you can directly reach the people you want, anywhere in the world, in a few minutes, with very low costs and in infinite quantities.
All this is possible because paper is not used, consequently no inks and means of transport are used for dissemination - therefore, no fuels are used.
The hypermedia products "Clicca e Sfoglia" "click and browse" and "PASSAmessaggio" "SHAREthemessage" are queued 3 times and, that is, they are economical, ecological and effective. Discover their potential!



TATAoffice is a service aimed at companies, to be carried out at their premises and / or remotely, for last minute personnel replacement interventions and / or problem solving by offering the services described above.



LC4U - PROJECTS and useful INFO

where there is exchange there is growth

every time I learn something I love to share it with others.

whenever I see a need, I like to contribute to allow its satisfaction.

I collected information and conceived projects aimed at people of all ages, with the aim of improving collective growth and promoting the work of more professionals.

These projects are presented in "Connected to the School" and can be carried out within the school premises and in collaboration with the host cities.

Useful information for the daily life of people, animals and the environment are collected in a section of this site "" -> OG -> "Yes! Always together".

The news of "Sì!" they are also shared on the facebook page -> "newsutilisi"

Sì! sempre insieme - Yes! always together and informed is self-financed.


Thanks for your visit
:) luciana calcagni



LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni
LC4U - Luciana Calcagni 4U - services, products and projects

info&contacts --- news&links
