Collégati alla scuola - Connected to the school

opportunities for comparison and growth


Connected to the school is a container of projects aimed at people of all ages, with the aim of helping individuals in their growth and social relationships.

The intent is to make people's realities known, beyond their own, social contexts, the life of animals, the environment and, also to facilitate the birth of new forms of work.


"CS" offers recreational and/or educational activities to be carried out within the school premises and involve people who live at the school, parents, family members, professionals such as psychologists, dentists, members of the police force, animals.


Projects by Luciana Calcagni:

- creative encounters in language

- a snack a chat

- realities in real reality

- the family moves

- how we change


for information write an email to:


Thank you

:) Luciana Calcagni




LaStiva delle Idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

since 2018 Collegati alla Scuola - opportunities for comparison and growth

info&contatti --- news&links
