Luciana Calcagni through time

curriculum vitae


Luciana Calcagni

also known as Anna

born in Turin - TO - Italy
on August 14, 1968



1987 graphics and advertising technician
at Ada Gobetti Marchesini - Turin - Italy
1990 expert in DTP systems
at CSEA - Turin - TO - Italy



mother tongue: Italian and Salentino (Guagnano - Lecce - Italy)
always updated: English, sign language
school level: French



I like to remember that I started with "Free Hand" when it was still with "Aldus". At the time I was also using QuarK Xpress, Aldus Page Maker and File Maker-Apple File Maker pro.

Today I mainly use Adobe Creative and Microsoft Office, in particular: illustrator, photoshop, dreamweaver, word, power point, excel and access.


main works carried out and in progress

- graphic designer / graphic technician
- design, implementation and management of recreational / educational meetings
- data management for prize competitions
- data collection, organization and storage
- teacher
- artisan
- i /e design.



LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

info&contacts --- news&links
