Sì! Sempre insieme e informati - Yes! always together and informed

container of useful information for the daily life of the living

where there is exchange there is growth


Work in progress...

these days I'm resetting the topic pages.

follow the evolutions on Facebook: @newsutilisi

:) luciana calcagni




"Yes! Always together and informed" is a container of information dedicated to all the people who have chosen to live in a proactive way, that is to live in a dynamic way - which does not mean in a frenzy - but acquiring the awareness of being a reality that shares spaces with other realities, achieving a predisposition to confrontation because knowing the other, we can better understand and choose with more awareness.


So here we talk about "Family Yes!"

that is, of living beings who share the same house, multi-species and genus who love to have friends, confront each other and grow together... even from afar.


"Sì! - Yes!" it is constantly growing/updating because whenever i know/learn something, i like to share it here with others.


...follow the bulbs! for all news linked to Facebook: @newsutilisi


YOU FEEL "Yes!" ... write me

You too are pleased to share your knowledge, experience, ask for information... write me an email at: info@lastivadelleidee.it


"Yes" I choose

"Sì! - Yes!" "Yes!" Always together and informed" is self-financed by me Luciana Calcagni

by purchasing the products you find in the lucky bulbs SHOP, you also contribute to keeping alive "Sì!" "Yes!"


Thank you

:) Luciana


LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

Sì! - Yes! Always together and informed - container of useful information for the daily life of the living - where there is exchange there is growth

info&contacts --- news&links
