...follow the bulbs and find Luciana Calcagni

who I am - my hero - special thanks


... what to say?
let's start by saying Who I am

Hi! My name is Luciana Calcagni, I am of Italian origin, to be precise I was born in Turin to Guagnanesi parents. Guagnano is a town in the province of Lecce - a city located in Salento, Puglia - Italy.

I have been living in England ... only since July 2022.


I am a very simple person, I like to be with and talk to people because, as I already said and I will never get tired of repeating, "where there is exchange there is growth" but above all there is life.


I created this web space to store, display and sell my services and products.


I mainly deal with designing and making products that can be useful to people and pets.

I collect and share useful information for daily life (Sì! Sempre insieme e informati - Yes! Always together and informed).


I have been working as a graphic designer, graphic technician and expert in Desk Top Publishing systems since 1990: from paper to virtual I offer services like creating logos, I take care of and manage the communications of companies and private citizens, also proposing dissemination through my hypermedia products (PASSAmessaggio - SHAREthemessage and Clicca e Sfoglia - Click and Browse).


Between one job and another I create handmade objects such as mirrors, jewels, multifunctional objects and more (see the photographic archive Luce in Galleria - LIGGAV).


My passions? I love to design indoor and outdoor environments and above all I love to take care of gardens even in pots.




my Logo my Signature

In the common imagination, in comics, the thought that suddenly arrives and becomes the idea is represented by a light bulb.


There are many light bulbs around the world but mine expresses a precise meaning.


Look at it carefully!

Inside its filament is represented by the zodiac sign of Leo (I was born in August, Leo is my zodiac sign) and, at the same time, the filament also represents a sperm... the only sperm that has succeeded to arrive at its destination and helped give birth to a new life.





me like him: COLOMBO - him - my hero

Peter Falk as Lieutenant Frank Colombo.The police lieutenant who does not use weapons, underrated for his wrinkled appearance who appears confused while carrying out his investigative activities. He who takes notes on a very small notepad and then elaborates, under his tousled hair, the collected data and solves his cases.

The man who does not live only on work but who also has an active personal life between his wife and relatives and who loves his dog.


Yes! I like him so much and I identify with him.
do you know why?
Because people (some people), when they meet someone for the first time, stop to judge the appearance - the body - the physical aspect - the dress ... so they create a kind of filter that does not allow them to understand actually with whom they are relating.


For those who have not yet met me in person ... yes! I am a chubby, cute and cuddly little woman.
People who do not know me, when they relate to me, hardly ask me what I do. They build a very limited opinion in their head and don't imagine that I may have any skills.


This amuses me so much because it helps me so much not to waste time with people who "don't play the same strings as me" thus allowing me to have more time to dedicate to people who go beyond.

I am happy because in this way I am able to create and maintain relationships of mutual respect and trust with people of all kinds.

People who have discovered my skills and my way of working know they find creativity, honesty and reliability in me.



THANK YOU because I'm lucky

I'm certainly lucky because I come from two families - those of my parents - where creativity and manual skills are not lacking.
Observing my aunts, grandparents and participating in their activities, I learned to have manual skills, patience and imagination. So from here comes my first big thank you that allows me to work today.


The second thanks always goes to my two families of origin, in reality it goes to all of Guagnano.
The Guagnanesi are good people, genuine and with non-presumptuous intelligence.
From them I received a very precious gift. The roots. Healthy roots that start from the heart.
I thank all the people who participated and enriched my days.
For better or for worse you have taught me so much and helped get me here today.
You have all been and are important.
You have helped me to be what I am today, that is, a person who increasingly prefers to give value to all living beings.


I also thank you who are here reading these words. Thank you for giving me your attention.

Finally, because I like to keep the best for last, a huge, infinite thanks to my daughter, my Vittoria - Victory. Thanks to her I have grown a lot, I have met many beautiful people, I have understood that life is truly beautiful.
Thank you. Thank you all.

:) Luciana



PS the photo on the head was taken by my daughter in 2011 - she was 4 - I was 43. how time flies ... I weighed even less! Sigh!



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LaSTIVA delle idee - TheHOLD of ideas is the archive and showcase of Luciana Calcagni

info&contacts --- news&links
